The IV International Conference of Socio-economic Researchers ICSR 2016 - Serbia, Zlatibor, May 27 - 29 2016
Global Network for Socio-economic Research and Development (GNSRD) est. by the Scientific Society Akroasis Serbia and University of Johannesburg South Africa is pleased to announce the 4th International Conference of Socio-economic Researchers which will be held in Serbia Mt. Zlatibor, from May 27th to May 29th 2016.
Socio-economic development can be defined as a process that seeks to identify both the social and the economic needs within a community and seek to create strategies that will address these needs in ways that are practical and in the best interests of community over the long run. The general idea is to find ways to improve the standard of living within the area while also making sure the local economy is healthy and capable of sustaining the population presenet in the area. Socio-economic development occurs in neighborhoods in metropolitan areas, section of smaller cities and towns, and even in rural settings.
There are a number of factors that must be considered as part of any socio-economic development effort. Understanding the current circumstances that prevail in the area is the first step toward regional development. By assessing the potential of human capital in the area, allowing for the current unemployment rate and when laws and regulations are currently in place that may be impeding the introduction of new industry into the area, it is possible to begin developing a plan that will ultimately mean more jobs, stable employment for more households and more money flowing through the local economy.
Meeting these needs require a new, multidisciplinary approach, which gives the ability to create synergy of knowledge that will be woven into a long-term strategy of sustainable development. Bearing in mind the importance of multidisciplinary synergy of knowledge the 4th International Conference of Socio-economic Researches has title:
Challenges of multidisciplinary research of socio-economic development at the beginning of XXI century: new approaches, perspectives and opportunities
One of the main goals of the conference is to present the actual situation in all spheres of socio-economic development at the global level. These findings will serve as the basis for all future research activities.
The tracks and topics for which papers are invited cover (but are not limited to) the following:
The 4th International Conference of Socio-economic Researchers is the premier interdisciplinary scientific forum for scientist and researchers from around the world.
All papers with positive reviews will be published in special edition of SOCIOECONOMICA an international scientific peer-reviewed journal for theory and practice of socio-economic development ISSN 2217-7558, indexed in Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (ProQuest IBSS), EconLit, ERIH Plus, EBSCO, CEEOL, IndexCopernicus and present in more than 30 e-Libraries of the most prestigious universities in the world.